Amsterdam 18 October 2022 – The GRESB Real Estate Benchmark 2022 is in and both Rockfield funds score an average of 90 out of 100 points, improving 8 points from the previous year and thus achieving the GRESB 5 star Rating. In these sustainability aspects, both Rockfield funds present well above the average score of 74, finishing in the top 10 of over 138 participating real estate funds.

Broken down by the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) sustainability components, both Rockfield funds score full points on the Social component. This is partly the result of Rockfield’s focus on tenant welfare and shows that Rockfield’s approach in this is highly valued. Scores for data analytics were also highly rated. This was achieved in part because of the innovation within Rockfield in the field of business intelligence. For this, Rockfield was awarded the game changer award earlier this year
‘We are proud of yet another substantial increase in points and ranking’ says Luc Platenburg; CFO of Rockfield. ‘We are confident that with this we have laid a strong foundation for a sustainable apartment portfolio in the Netherlands. At the same time, we remain ambitious and will look for areas for improvement to see that upward trend next year as well.’
‘Looking at this year’s benchmark, the industry’s embrace of ESG continues to be reflected in our strong participation rates and greater amount of available data, indicating that both real estate investors and property managers remain steadfast in their commitment to sustainability.’ said GRESB
GRESB is the ‘Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets’. The GRESB Real Estate benchmark measures the sustainability performance of real estate portfolios and their managers worldwide. In 2022, more than 1,800 real estate entities participated, representing USD 6.9 trillion of GVA properties across 74 countries. Participants report their sustainability performance through an assessment. This assessment assesses strategy and policy, processes, risk management and stakeholder engagement. It also measures the actual performance of the properties in the portfolios, in energy consumption, CO2 emissions, water consumption and waste collection and compares this performance with that of the other participants. For more information see here: GRESB